Serbia Medical Tourism
What Medical Tourists Who Travel to Serbia for Surgery Abroad can Expect
Sava Perovic's policy and that of Dr Djinovic has always been to help as many people as possible with the best surgery abroad available anywhere and turn no one away — no matter how complex the surgical procedures needed, regardless of the difficulty of the surgical techniques required and no matter what age.
Everyone, from toddlers to the elderly, are treated with the utmost dignity, privacy and respect.

We get a lot of international medical tourism inquiries by email and by phone from around the world 24/7 regarding many aspects of the more than six dozen advanced surgical procedures offered by the Sava Perovic Team.
We also have many medical tourists in many stages of treatment who have many questions about surgery, after surgery and/or the road ahead.
In the past, we often worked 6-7 days a week and very long days — sometimes 17 hours of surgery per day.
Our case manager and patient advocate, Richard RothHaas, usually worked well past midnight and often until 2-3 a.m. in an effort to answer and organize the numerous incoming and outgoing communications about Serbia and Belgrade health tourism — even on weekends and holidays.
That helped the surgeons to focus on patient care and helps members of the public and new patients get the medical tourism information they need as easily and swiftly as possible.
We eventually realized after adjusting for Professor Perovic passing away that such a lifestyle was an unsustainable part of the Perovic Art of Surgery. We no longer work weekends and try to keep hours of surgery to not more than about 10.

Our primary method of doing this is proactively providing Serbian medical tourism information on our web sites about all the surgical procedures available. Our goal is to efficiently streamline the healthcare tourism process so your only questions are probably going to be:
- Exactly what surgery is appropriate?
- When can surgery be performed?
- How much will the surgery cost?
- How much will any relevant medical devices or surgical implants cost?
- And any unique questions you may have about health tourism, surgery abroad and travel to Serbia which have not already been asked by other medical tourists, answered by the reconstructive surgeon, and published on our web sites.
There are tremendous demands on the time of the case manager and reconstructive surgeons.
Richard makes a sincere effort to give medical tourists prompt, precise, polite, accurate answers about Serbia, surgical procedures, healthcare tourism and facilitate meetings between Dr Djinovic and persons worldwide who want to visit Serbia and get his help.
There are five things you can do to simplify, expedite and enjoy your interaction with Richard and successfully get surgery the soonest and easiest.
- Our surgical team members speak several languages but all of us are fluent in English. Our primary written or spoken language is English. If at all possible, use English when writing to us.
- Using a nickname, pseudonym, initials, former name, middle name, fake name or no name and only an email address (or multiple ones) makes it significantly more difficult for Richard, slows down the process, and increases chance of errors or confusion. Case files are organized alphabetically by surname. More than a few patients have the exact same name and surname. Help us help you by using your real name as in your passport in all your communications. That will enable us to maintain your medical records accurately and avoid duplication of records for the same person.
- Be truthful, transparent, straightforward, honest and give us all the facts relevant to your case. All information you provide is given a high level of confidentiality and privacy. Please avoid being unnecessarily secretive, cryptic and mysterious.
- There are often several surgical procedures and medical tourism packages possibly relevant to a patient. Proactively providing us with your complete medical history can greatly reduce the amount of time and communication needed to:
- a) evaluate your case;
- b) determine whether what you are requesting is suitable;
- c) determine which of our medical tourism packages is the most advisable solution for you; and
- d) when it would be best to visit Serbia for surgery abroad.
- Email is an imperfect medium but makes modern health medical tourism possible.
- It's easy to misunderstand intended meaning, or think something is inferred when it is not.
- Mail you send may not arrive in our mailbox.
Because the subject of the communications are urogenital surgical operations, it is not unusual for our email to medical tourists to end up in their Bulk, Trash or Spam folders or boxes. White list email addresses from SavaPerovic.COM as approved, genuine, acceptable messages at the same time you initially contact us. If you don't hear back from us within a reasonable period of time, check those folders, directories, mailboxes previously mentioned. If you cannot find a response, you are welcome to resend your message or write to us again.

We are on your side. We want to help. We care. We are quite open minded and non-judgmental. Our intentions are good. Sometimes we make mistakes but those are always of a clerical, administrative or logistical nature.
On the medical level, the success rates and quality surgical results of the complex surgical procedures performed by our reconstructive surgeons compare very favorably with those anywhere.
And our Belgrade health tourism destination management usually exceeds a patient's expectations.

Richard RothHaas is an American from Cleveland, Ohio on America's northern border with Canada. He has lived most of his life in Europe and Asia and has been dealing with people of many nationalities, cultures, religions, persuasions, perspectives and races most of his life.
He has been a strategic communications specialist for more than two decades, including many years as an editor for the United Nations and as the Southeast Asia correspondent for United Press International in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar.
That means you will find him to be concise, frank, straightforward, truthful, open-minded and an internationally-oriented person who values your time and will try to quickly get to the heart of a matter. He will work hard for you.
You will find him sympathetic, empathetic, non-judgmental and not easily offended. When he makes a mistake he admits it.

Surgical facilities and medical tourism hospitals in Belgrade are private, independent, moderate-sized enterprises that provide infrastructure and support services for Dr Djinovic and his surgical team.
They are the best in the country and improving continually.
Most foreign embassies in Belgrade list them as approved or recommended for their citizens in Serbia, including the USA, the UK, Australia and many others.
The Sava Perovic Foundation does not own any of the surgical facilities, medical tourism hospitals or Belgrade clinics we use. Dr Djinovic influences but cannot control their policies.
They are not perfect. Generally, they provide an extremely good environment for medical tourists who travel to Serbia: a modern, very hygienic medical tourism hospital with exceptionally well-trained, highly-educated, friendly, polite staff who are very experienced regarding health tourism.
In real terms, if not in size, they compare favorably with the very best international medical tourism hospitals, surgical facilities or clinics anywhere.
In the last few years of his life, some of our medical tourists felt they did not get as much “face time” with Professor Perovic outside the operating theater as they had hoped.
They wanted an extensive personal chat and more than his personal assurances that they were “in good hands”.
One patient grumbled that he got the impression the Professor was “in a hurry”. That was a tremendous understatement.
Sava Perovic was an acclaimed and renown VIP academician, surgeon, urologist, author, teacher and professor who was losing his secret, decade-long fight with cancer.
Any patient who had the opportunity to speak with Dr Perovic in the past decade was talking to a great man on an important mission of epic proportions but with little time.
Dr Perovic was trying to do much more than only get each and every individual patient the best quality surgical results available anywhere.
Professor was also tirelessly devoting every moment of his remaining life and all his energy to best ensure other patients continued to get the best possible urogenital surgical results even after he passed away.
From the year 2000 onward, Dr Perovic was in a race against time and mortality.
A brilliant surgeon and visionary officially recognized as on par with Nikola Tesla, he knew his life was coming to a close. But was determined to complete his two-pronged mission:
- Solidly establish the Sava Perovic Foundation to ensure urogenital surgeons everywhere could continue to get the advanced surgical training, surgical techniques and quality surgical methods they need to solve the complex urogenital problems of the hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide who could never visit Serbia.
- Effectively transfer his legendary bag of surgical "Tips & Tricks" to Foundation Chairman Dr Rados Djinovic.
Professor Perovic did everything humanly possible to ensure that years and decades after he had passed away, his beloved patients worldwide continued to get the supreme quality surgical results he believed they deserved and his beloved medical colleagues around the globe would have the necessary urogenital surgical procedures and surgical techniques.
For the past three decades “The Belgrade Team” surgical specialists, or “Team Serbia” as it was called by some, has been comprised of Dr Sava Perovic assisted by the team of surgeons he selected to work with him.
The heart, soul, inspiration, leadership, philosophy, genius, insight, charisma, surgical procedures, surgical techniques, surgical methods, quality surgical results, ideas, goals and ethics of “The Belgrade Team” have always been and continue to be those of Sava Perovic.
In recent years, “The Belgrade Team” officially and legally became the surgical team of the Sava Perovic Foundation.
Contrary to efforts by some to put some spin on the facts, it was impossible for “The Belgrade Team” to have ever 'split up and gone separate ways' because it has always been the brilliant surgeon Sava Perovic surrounded by his closest disciples.
Since the death of Professor Perovic in Belgrade on 4 April 2010, that tradition of great urologic surgical results is continued by the Sava Perovic Foundation led by Dr Rados Djinovic. In March 2015, the European Association of Urology (EAU) made Dr Djinovic Chairman of it’s Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons Section (ESGURS). The Sava Perovic Foundation surgical Team remains “The Belgrade Team”.

During his 37-year career and more than 20,000 surgical operations, Dr Perovic worked with thousands of surgeons of every level and caliber. He taught surgery to a countless number of individuals.