Dr Perovic 'Carnal Organ Player' Interview
Q & A: Penile Dysmorphic Disorder & Penis Enlargement Surgery
Questions and answers about penis enlargement surgery and penile dysmorphic disorder during RTS-a TV interview with Dr Perovic on Saturday, 24 November 2007: Prof. dr Savom Perovićem o polnim organima.
80% of men who come to me have a normal penis … reason for surgery does not exist
RTS-a TV: The proximity of bodies during the Tango always starts out romantically but then gets serious. You are a doctor for serious situations when it comes to the relationship between men and women. You are surgeon, a urologist, Professor Dr Sava Perovic, where in the world have you shown your skills? Where have you been?
I can say that this entire year was involved in traveling around the world. Eight of the twelve months I was abroad.
You are a member of many international associations where you show your abilities. What do you do that nobody else in the world does as well?
What made me world famous is the ability to disassemble genitals into parts, into their smallest anatomical parts. I can fix a congenital or acquired disorder and than reassemble that organ in such a way that is not easy to notice. During that process, I apply good aesthetics, because aesthetics are a part of me, just like the Argentine Tango, aesthetics invoke special feelings in me that I cannot explain.
Do the people coming to you for help always come for the right reasons? Because there is a belief, probably like everywhere else, that penis length and girth size is related success in intercourse? Is that always the case?
Unfortunately, I have to say that 80% of men who ask for help have completely normal genitalia, some of them you could call macho. There’s no reason for the surgery at all. I send those patients to a psychiatrist for a strict psychiatric control and examination. Even if I get a recommendation from the psychiatrist, I’m still wondering if I should do surgery, because it’s not medically justified. [See: Penile Dysmorphic Disorder]
How do they approach you? They come to you and what do you say?
They just use what has been happening for years and decades in cosmetic surgery for women. Women want to augment their breasts, make their noses prettier and so on. So the men say: “we want our genitals enlarged”. We've just started to develop cosmetic genital surgery, which started in wealthy California. And I can say that I'm one of the pioneers, together with them. But indications here in Serbia are, in my case, very strict. [See: Penis Girth Enhancement]
When these patients come to you and ask for penis enlargement, do you often refuse them?
Very often I refuse them. First I tell them that they are not among men in the lower range, nor in middle range, they are close to the top. Therefore, there is no medical reason to genital augmentation. And there is also no reason for aesthetic correction, because their genitals look normal. There are no deformities, so there is nothing to correct aesthetically. I just tell them that they are exposing themselves to risk, because surgery isn’t mathematics and no one can guarantee success.
Tell us something more about the risks of surgical intervention? Surgeons rarely speak about this. You will rarely hear from any surgeon that every surgical intervention has risk — even the most minor surgery.
There is no minor surgery! Any of these are very serious and big, and have their own risk!
English people say: “Minor surgery is one that is done on someone else.”
In all those so-called minor surgeries there is the highest incidence of complications. I work a lot in surgery, and with such enthusiasm and so much love that I think the surgery I do mixes with art. I strive to bring to my surgical interventions another component, art, such as when sculpting genitalia. [See: The Perovic Art of Urogenital Surgery]
You have big number of followers in the world. People know that you have your own methods. You have many students. In the past, people came to Children’s Hospital on Tirsova Street to watch your surgeries, and you gave them certificate for certain types of surgeries. Do you think men have more complex reproductive organs than women?
Unfortunately, unlike in women, the mechanism, the function of the male reproductive organ, is very complex and connected with a lot of problems to achieve successful erection and successful sexual intercourse that it we could write a 2000-page book about it. And we are still in the phase of research and analysis — and still there is still no final answer. But, I must now say that there is not only a trend towards male impotence, there is also female sexual disability. Soon, I will go to Lisbon, where most of the congress will be devoted to female sexual dysfunction, women's disability during sexual intercourse.
Do you agree that successful sexual intercourse can exist only if there is love? Is that true? Do you agree that for a successful sexual relationship love is more important love than the appearance and size of genitalia? Do you tell your patients that?
Absolutely. I had opportunity to see great love between partners, and when I saw their genitalia, I said: “This is unbelievable”. Finally their brains decided. It’s all in the head!
Health is most important, right?
Prof. dr Savom Perovićem o polnim organima
Q: Bliskost tela u tangu uvek kreće romantično i onda dolazi do konkretnog, a vi ste lekar za konkretne situacije, kada dolazi do spajanja muškarca i žene. Vi ste hirurg, urolog, prof. dr Sava Perović, dosad ste pokazali svoju veštinu svuda u svetu. Gde ste sve bili?
A: Mogu reći da je cela ova godina bila vezana za putovanja po celom svetu. Od dvanaest meseci sigurno sam osam bio van Beograda.
Q: Član ste velikog broja svetskih udruženja gde pokazujete svoje umeće. Šta je ono što vi radite, a što drugi u svetu ne rade tako dobro kao vi?
A: Ono što me je proslavilo u svetu jeste veština da polni organ rastavim u delove, u najsitnije njegove anatomske delove, popravim urođeno ili stečeno oboljenje i potom taj organ sastavim, a da se to nimalo ne primeti i da pri tom zadovoljim estetiku, jer ona u meni, baš kao i agrentinski tango, budi posebna osećanja, ne mogu to da opišem.
Q: Da li vam se ljudi uvek obraćaju s razlogom, jer kod nas postoji jedno uverenje, kao verovatno i u svetu, da veličina muškog polnog organa ima veze s njegovom dužinom, debljinom i uspehom u seksualnom činu? Da li je to uvek tako?
A: Nažalost, moram da kažem da 80% muškaraca koji dolaze kod mene imaju potpuno normalan polni organ, čak mogu da se svrstaju u tzv. mačomene. Razlog za operaciju uto opšte ne postoji. Ja te pacijente šaljem kod psihijatra na jednu strogu psihijatrijsku kontrolu, jedno ispitivanje. I pored toga, čak i ako dobijem preporuku psihijatra, ja još uvek razmišljam da li da kod tih pacijenata izvedem hiruršku intervenciju, jer ona jednostavno nije medicinski opravdana.
Q: Kako izgleda njihovo obraćanje vama? Oni dođu kod vas i šta vam kažu?
A: Oni jednostavno koriste ono što se dešava godinama i decenijama u estetskoj hirurgiji kod žena. Žena želi da uveća grudi, ulepša nos itd, pa i oni kažu: i mi želimo da uvećamo naše genitalije. Jednostavno je počela da se razvija tzv. estetska genitalna hirurgija, koja potiče iz bogate Kalifornije i mogu da kažem da sam jedan od pionira, zajedno sa njima, upravo ja. Ali indikacije su ovde u Srbiji u mom slučaju veoma stroge.
Q: Kada vam se jave takvi pacijenti i obrate s molbom da im uvećate penis, da li ih često odbijate?
A: Vrlo često ih odbijam. Prvo im kažem da pripadaju muškarcima koji nisu čak ni na donjoj granici, ni u sredini, nego su pri vrhu. Znači, ne postoji medicinski razlog da se uveća polni organ, a takođe ne postoji ni razlog za estetsku korekciju, jer im polni organ izgleda normalno, ne postoje nikakvi deformiteti, pa nema šta da se estetski popravi. Kažem im da se samo izlažu jednom riziku, jer hirurgija nije matematika i čovek ne može da garantuje uspeh.
Q: Recite mi nešto o rizicima hirurške intervencije? Hirurzi retko govore o tome. Retko ćete od hirurga čuti da je svaka hirurška intervencija rizik – da je i najmanja hirurška intervencija rizik?
A: Ne postoji mala hirurška intervencija! Svaka je veoma ozbiljna i velika i svaka ima svoj rizik!
Q: Englezi imaju uzrečicu: kažu da je mala intervencija uvek ona koja se obavi na nekom drugom?
A: Kod tih tzv. malih hirurških intervencija najčešće i dolazi do komplikacija. Puno radim u hirurgiji, i to s takvim entuzijazmom i tolikom ljubavlju da mi se čini da u hirurgiji uživam kao u nekoj vrsti umetnosti. Jer, hirurgija koju ja radim tačno se prepliće s umetnošću. Težim da i tu drugu komponentu, umetnost, unesem u svoje hirurške intervencije. Kad vršim npr. skulpturiranje polnog uda.
Q: Imate jako veliki broj sledbenika u svetu. Ljudi znaju da vi imate neke svoje metode. Imate jako puno učenika. Svojevremeno su dolazili na dečju kliniku u Tiršovoj ulici da bi posmatrali vaše operacije, a vi ste im davali licence za određene vrste intervencija, jer jedno je hirurgija, ali treba povezati i nerve i zadržati kompletnu funkciju tog osetljivog polnog organa - penisa. Mislite li da muškarci imaju mnogo kompleksniji polni organ nego žene? Veća je prokrvljenost, veći rizici? Kod žena je taj reproduktivni aparat vrlo jednostavan?
A: Nažalost, za razliku od žena, taj mehanizam, ta funkcija muškog polnog organa toliko je kompleksna i povezana s masom problema da bi se ostvarila uspešna erekcija i uspešan seksualni odnos da bi se o tome mogla napisati knjiga od 2.000 strana. I još uvek smo u fazi istraživanja i ispitivanja - i još uvek nema konačnog odgovora. Ali, moram da napomenem, sada više nije samo u trendu tzv. muška polna nemoć, impotencija, već i polna nemoć žena. Evo, baš sad idem u Lisabon, gde će veliki deo kongresa biti posvećen ženskoj seksualnoj disfunkciji, nemoći žena u seksualnom odnosu.
Q: Da li se vi slažete s tim da jedan uspešan seksualni odnos može postojati samo ako ima ljubavi? Ima li to veze? Slažete li se s tim da je za jedan uspešan seksualni odnos bitnija ljubav nego to kako izgledaju polni organi i koje su veličine? Da li vi to kažete svojim pacijentima?
A: Apsolutno. Imao sam prilike da vidim veliku ljubav između partnera, a kad sam pogledao njihove genitalije, rekao sam – pa ovo je nemoguće. Odlučio je ipak njihov mozak. Sve je u glavi!
Q: Je l’ da je zdravlje najvažnije?
A: Jeste.