Penile Prosthesis Implant Male Enhancement Surgery
Penile Prosthesis Surgeon with Penis Repair Packages for Fixing Erectile Dysfunction & Penile Deformities
If you need:
- a penile prosthesis implant for fixing male erectile dysfunction causing penile impotence; or
- the most complex erectile dysfunction treatment because you've had priapism; or
- re-implantation of penile prosthesis …
… then this is the right page for you because that is the main topic.

In addition, it explains Dr Rados Djinovic's packages of surgical procedures for treatment of Peyronie's disease as well as Peyronies surgery to increase diameter (penile) in men who already have erectile dysfunction. You will also find the Sava Perovic Foundation surgical team's penis repair solutions for congenital curved penis disorders known as bent penis or crooked penis.
Study these packages of surgical procedures, determine which one is the best for you, and contact Richard for the exact cost.
NOT discussed here are surgical phalloplasty procedures for male enhancement, penis enlargement techniques, or penis elongation for healthy men. Find those on other pages of our site. if you need penile surgery for micro penis syndrome, hidden penis, deformed penis, hypospadias, epispadias repair, bladder exstrophy or fistula repair because these are also not talked about here.
Penis Surgery & Penis Disorder Introduction
At least 94 different terms have the acronym “IPP”. However, the vocabularies used in the biomedical sciences are governed by the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and whenever Dr Djinovic refers to IPP, it is always Induratio Penis Plastica — also know as Mb Peyronie or CITA (Chronic Inflammation of Tunica Albuginea).
All these terms are about the same thing:
- Peyronie's Disease
- Induratio Penis Plastica
- Mb Peyronie
- Chronic Inflammation of Tunica Albuginea
- Peyronies Disease
- Peyronie Disease
- Peyronie's Syndrome
- Peyronie's
- Peyronie
- Induration
- Indurations
- Cavernitides
- Fibrous Cavernitides
- Cavernitis
- Fibrous Cavernitis
- Fibrous Cavernositis
- Fibromatosis
- Penile Fibromatosis
- Plastic Induration of Penis
- Penile Induration
- Penile Indurations; and
- Plastic Induration of the Penis.

The penis is divided into its various parts by specialized fibrous tissue comprised of rod-shaped bundles of inelastic, white, collagen fibers between rows of connective tissue cells.

In 1-4% of men, the dense formation of excessive amounts of this tissue (fibrosis) in the dermis and Buck’s fascia between the corpora cavernosa & tunica albuginea (in reaction to inflammation or irritation or during healing), usually causes abnormal curvature of the penis towards the lesion side (bent penis), restricting movement of these structures during erection and causing pain.
Sometimes Peyronie's causes or occurs at the same time as erectile dysfunction (ED). In those cases, implantation of a penile prosthesis at the same time as curvature correction is indicated. Peyronie's correction sometimes causes post-operative ED in a small percentage of patients.
Correction of penile curvature with geometrically calculated grafts is basically the same surgical procedure Dr Djinovic uses to give men with ED substantial penis enlargement and/or significant penis elongation at the same time they are getting penile prosthesis implant surgery.
The types of penile prosthesis implants are basically inflatable/deflatable or malleable (semi-rigid). An inflatable penile prosthesis can mimic erection and flaccid state. A malleable penile prosthesis can be shaped or directed but cannot increase or decrease penis size.
There are a number of stories floating around on the Internet about penile prosthesis manufacturers playing games, refusing to honor warranties to replace defective implants at no cost, and insisting re-plantation cannot be done in a country other than where the original implantation was done. Let it be clear that all AMS and COLOPLAST penile prosthesis implants have a life-long warranty in the case of infection or mechanical failure.

Penile prosthesis manufacturers market their penile implants at different prices from country to country. One patient in the USA recently informed us that his hospital billed Medicare more than US$23,000 for ONLY the replacement device for his broken AMS implant. Every AMS 700 penile prosthesis and all COLOPLAST penis implants have a life-long warranty in the case of infection or mechanical failure and are replaced free.
Dr Djinovic's surgical fee for replacement of a defective inflatable penile prosthesis is the same as for standard implantation of a penis implant for the first time. And the manufacturer replaces the device FREE. But even for a first time penis implant, in Belgrade a new, genuine AMS 700 penile prosthesis costs merely a small fraction of what was charged Medicare in the USA.
The American hospital's total bill to Medicare for failed AMS 700 penile prosthesis replacement? — US$44,000!
Highest Quality Surgical Repair Packages at a Fraction of the Cost
In Belgrade, the surgical fee for inflatable penile prosthesis implantation PLUS circular AND longitudinal grafting for penis elongation (2-3 cm) and penis enlargement (2-3 cm in circumference) includes grafting material and costs less than one fourth the amount the US hospital billed Medicare. Surgical “Package A” requires four hours of surgery, two nights in hospital and 3-4 days in Belgrade. “Package A+” includes ligamentolysis when Dr Djinovic finds it appropriate – no extra cost!
Inflatable penile implant cost is separate but the total for surgical “Package A”, including the penis implant cost, is still less than half the amount that was billed to Medicare. And it's a vastly superior procedure that adds an inch in length PLUS adds an inch in circumference instead of the standard result of a penile prosthesis surgeon in North America, South America, Africa, Australia or the rest of Europe which usually gives the unfortunate man an unimpressive erection and a penis that is one inch, two inches, three inches and sometimes even four inches SHORTER than before surgery!
If you start your search for a solution with: “penile prosthesis surgeon near to …” — expect to end up with a much shorter penis!
Dr Djinovic can increase penis size with an inflatable penile prosthesis and make your penis bigger, not smaller. Get penile prosthesis implant male enhancement surgery in Europe from the penile prosthesis surgeon giving patients the best results, not the surgeon nearest your home.
Many deeply saddened men contact the Sava Perovic Foundation after they discover their “penile prosthesis surgeon in …” made their penis 1-4 inches shorter. You must wait at least six months before Dr Djinovic can redo it. And if a penis implant is functioning correctly, the warranty will not cover it's replacement. And some men can only be helped partially — some not at all.
Can Dr Djinovic recover the lost length and give you a bigger penis? He says:
In the majority of patients, yes. But sometimes, as a result of too much scarring, it is not possible.
Can Dr Djinovic's surgical penis enlargement techniques recover the lost inches and give additional length? He answers:
Sometimes, yes, but not always.
Can Dr Djinovic recover the lost penis length and give additional penis enlargement of girth?
In the majority of men, yes for length, but is it difficult for girth.
What are the chances one of the world's top urogenital reconstructive surgeons can:
- recover lost inches; and give you
- additional length so you have a reasonably long penis AND use his penis enhancement techniques to give you;
- greater penis girth than you had when sexually healthy (pre-ED)? …
… Dr Djinovic responds:
Only rarely. The girth is the bigger problem.
So get it done right the first time. Losing inches of penis length causes a lot of mental and emotional anguish. It frequently gets the man in a lot of trouble with his sex partner. Sometimes it is more than a guy can endure.
Replacement of a malleable penile prosthesis with an inflatable penis implant costs the same as the standard price for implantation of an inflatable prosthesis for the first time plus the penile prosthesis implant cost (“Package D”).

In consideration of the ailing global economy, the “Package D” surgical fee for inflatable penile prosthesis implantation in men with ED is now 20% less than in 2010 and the cost of the inflatable penis implant has been reduced by the authorized AMS distributor nearly 8%. The procedure takes 1.5 hours of surgery, requires two nights in hospital, and two 2 days in Belgrade. This is our basic, standard procedure.
A package price is precise, not approximate and not an estimate. It does not vary and includes everything medically relevant. There are no hidden costs. For a condensed bullet list of these procedures see the relevant page on our Penile Prosthesis Implant Male Enhancement Surgery web site.
“Package B” is inflatable penile prosthesis implantation PLUS circular grafting enhancement surgery for penis elongation (2-3 cm). The surgical fee includes the cost of the grafting material. The inflatable penile implant cost is additional. It takes three hours of surgery, requires two nights stay in hospital and 3-4 days in Belgrade.
“Package C” is inflatable penile prosthesis implantation PLUS longitudinal grafting male enhancement surgery for thickening (2-3 cm in circumference). The surgical fee includes the cost of the grafting material. Cost of the inflatable penile prosthesis is separate. It takes three hours of surgery, requires two nights in hospital and a visit to Belgrade of 3-4 days.
“Package E” is malleable penile prosthesis implantation for men with erectile dysfunction and no pre-existing complications who don't want any lengthening or girth enhancement. The surgical fee INCLUDES malleable penile implant cost. It takes one hour of surgery, requires one night in hospital, and a two-day visit to Belgrade.
“Package F1 or F2” is for men who have already had a penile prosthesis implant but developed complications and are getting a second implantation (F1) OR men getting an implant for the first time who developed ED after priapism or other problem (F2). The surgical fee for complex inflatable prosthesis implantation in fibrotic corpora (as a result of priapism, infection after implantation of prosthesis, etc) varies 30% depending on the severity of the tissue damage but always includes the grafting material. Cost of the AMS 700 penile prosthesis is separate and not included in the surgical fee. The surgery takes 4-7 hours. It requires the patient to stay 2-3 nights in hospital and five days in Serbia.
Priapism (after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility) is an uncontrollable and undesired erection without erotic stimulation for a couple of hours or more which damages the erectile tissue.
“Package G1 or G2” is also for men who have already had a penile implant but developed complications so developed fibrotic corpora, had the prosthesis removed and are getting a second implantation (G1) OR men getting an implant for the first time who developed ED after priapism or other problem (G2) who want a malleable penile prosthesis. The surgical fee for this complex malleable penile prosthesis implantation includes grafting material but varies 30% depending on the amount of tissue damage. The cost of the malleable penile prosthesis is NOT included in the surgical fee and is an additional charge. The procedure takes 3½-6 hours of surgery. The patient must visit Belgrade for at least five days and stay 2-3 nights in hospital.
Penile implant surgery “Package H” is for Peyronie's patients with erectile dysfunction . The surgical fee for grafting corporoplasty and inflatable prosthesis implantation has been reduced nearly 20% in 2011 but still includes the grafting material. Cost of the implant is separate. The reconstructive surgery takes 3.5-4 hours, requires the patient to stay 2-3 nights in hospital and visit Serbia for 4-5 days. (Corporoplasty is any correction or revision of corporal bodies in the penis.)
“Package J” is grafting corporoplasty and implantation of a malleable prosthesis. It is for Peyronie's patients with ED who want malleable prosthesis implantation at the same time the grafting corporoplasty is done to correct the curvature. The surgical fee has been reduced nearly 20% in 2011 but still includes the grafting material AND malleable penile prosthesis implant. The procedure takes 3-3½ hours of surgery. The person must stay two nights in hospital during a three-day visit to Belgrade.
No Erectile Dysfunction
“Package K” and “Package L” are for IPP patients with with NO ED so no need for a penis implant. “Package K” is Tunica Albuginea plication for Peyronie's patients with VENTRAL curvature. The surgery takes two hours and the patient stays one night in hospital during a 2-day visit to Serbia.
“Package L” is Tunica Albuginea plication for Peyronie's patients with DORSAL curvature. It costs 25% less than correction of ventral curvature and takes only 1.5 hours of surgery. These patients also stay in Belgrade only two days and spend only one night in hospital after surgery.
“Package M” is for Peyronie's disease patients with NO ED and no need for an implant. The surgical fee for this grafting corporoplasty without prosthesis implantation has been reduced more than 20% in 2011 but still includes the cost of the grafting material. The procedure takes 2½-3 hours of surgery and the person must stay two nights in hospital. It requires a 5-day visit to Belgrade.
Congenital Curvature Correction
Congenital curvatures (mostly ventral) can be treated in childhood or in adulthood. Correction by plication is indicated when the curvature causes psychological problems for the parents or patient or, in adulthood, causes problems during sexual intercourse.
“Package N” is surgical correction of congenital ventral curvature using Tunica Albuginea plication. It takes only two hours and the patient stays only one night in hospital. A parent can stay with the child while in hospital. Unlike some other countries, the Sava Perovic Foundation doctors do NOT tie children to their bed to immobilize them after surgery. This surgery requires a two day visit to Belgrade.
“Package O” is the same as “Package N” but is for patients with congenital dorsal curvature and costs nearly 30% less than correction of ventral curvature.