#1 Male Enhancement's 49 Most Important Facts
Penis Enlargement Surgery for a Bigger Penis: Best Thick Penis Enhancement & Penis Enlarger 1999-2014

Tissue engineering to get a bigger penis has consistently proven since 1999 to be the best of male enhancement products.
Penis enlargement surgery using tissue engineering was for many years the #1 way for a man to get a large penis.
It enabled the biggest penis a man could safely, effectively, aesthetically & repeatedly achieve while producing excellent shape, leave no foreign matter in the person's body and without merely creating a fat penis.
Male enhancement by surgically implanted PLGA scaffolds proved to have no negative impact on subsequent penis, groin or prostate surgeries nor penile prosthesis implantation for ED (which was never caused by penis enlargement surgery by Dr Rados Djinovic).
For more than a decade it has remained the best answer to the question: “How to make your penis bigger?”

All Dr Djinovic's phalloplasty patients got a bigger penis.
The only mystery was: Why (all known and surgeon controllable factors being equal) did some patients get greater than average penis girth enlargement and others patients get lesser than average penis size increase from the exact same penis enlargement surgery by the same surgeon using the same tissue engineering and scaffolds?
Men who get significantly 'lesser' male enhancement were always offered the option of getting the penile enlargement surgery repeated again free for only the basic cost of the medical facility and scaffolds. The surgeon worked free.
It would seem there are unique metabolic reasons certain men get below average penis enhancement results because when those particular men get penis enlargement surgery by means of PLGA scaffolds a second or third time, they get a bigger penis but the gains continue to be below average.
In those unusual cases, the end result of two or three male enhancements was a bigger penis equal to the penis enhancement many men got with a single surgery.
Some men worried their sex partner would be able to feel the polylacti-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) scaffolds during the weeks the material has not yet been completely biodegraded and converted into penis enlargement tissue by the body. It proved to not be a problem.
The scaffolds never touch the skin because they are placed on top of the bucks fascia and underneath the dartos fascia. The newly created tissue is attached to these fascia. It never comes in contact with the colles fascia because that's in the perineum.
PLGA biodegradable scaffolds hold the penis in a slightly stretched position until the person's body converts them into thick penis tissue. They have sufficient structure to maintain that position but soon soften while also adapting to the patient's unique penile shape.
“No Worry” Penis Enlargement Surgery

Some patients have been frightened by photos of deformed penises caused by surgeons NOT trained by Dr Sava Perovic but trying to do this excellent male enhancement procedure.
They worry they will get a monstrous penis instead of a monster penis. They fear having a noticeable, large gap between the penis glans and where the scaffolds end similar to the results obtained by the penis enhancement patients of less skilled doctors.

These types of problems never occur in the hands of highly skilled surgeons using correct penis enhancement technique.
There is no need to try and sculpt the scaffolds or taper them at the top.
When the penis enlargement surgery is properly performed, as much scaffolding is used as is needed to envelope the entire stretched flaccid penile shaft up to the glans.
But no one should be surprised if cut-rate, discount, 'Grade B' doctors cut corners to reduce their costs and use insufficient PLGA material resulting in a deformed penis — or emergency surgery to remove the scaffolds by an expert urologist in their home country. It has happened.

There is no known medical evidence showing that the original male enhancement method of seeding PLGA scaffolds with 1 cc of biopsied scrotal dermal cells is in any way superior to using blood serum.
But the old method always remained an option available to guys who believed they knew better than the surgeon. No problem. Anyone who wanted to use his scrotal dermal cells for penis enlargement surgery was able to come to Belgrade five weeks in advance and pay an extra Euros 350 to have the cells harvested and cultured so they can be used instead of blood serum.

ALL men who have SEX TOO SOON or start MASTURBATING TOO SOON after penis enlargement by tissue engineering WILL develop COMPLICATIONS — GUARANTEED!
Usually it will be seroma. Only one patient who had SEX TOO SOON developed ONLY inflammation.
ALL others paid the consequence for SEX TOO SOON — a penis that swelled up like a BALLOON with long-persisting seroma — GUARANTEED!
ALL those men with complications who DID NOT STOP HAVING SEX and did NOT notify Dr Djinovic for a long time developed chronic problems that got WORSE and took a very long time to improve — GUARANTEED!
ONE such patient got anxious and had some local doctors manually drain the seroma. Because his immune system did not consider the fundamental problem resolved, soon the seroma accumulated again. After several attempts, he finally heeded Dr Djinovic's advice, STOPPED HAVING SEX, stopped artificially draining the fluid, and gave his body the time it needed to put things right — the only real solution.
SEX TOO SOON can dislodge (mobilize) a scaffold and break it into pieces. Continuing to have sex after that will batter & scatter PLGA which then turns into large, hard, scary lumps — GUARANTEED!
SEX TOO SOON after penis enlargement by tissue engineering will diminish or destroy your size gains, cause you problems, cost you more money and a take a lot more time for the same gain — GUARANTEED!
Men with NON-compliant penis skin do NOT need a cream that will make their penis kiss-ably soft, silky smooth or nicely scented.
NON-compliant skin does NOT need conditioning, protection against dehydration, whitening, anti-aging, balancing of pH level, moisturizing, cleansing or protection from UV. The cream must specifically increase ELASTICITY. Using the right substance to increase elasticity can enable a man with non-compliant skin to become a suitable candidate for penis enlargement.
Patients do not need to be embarrassed to tell Dr Djinovic they have developed seroma because they ignored his post-op advice to refrain from sex or masturbation for at least 6-8 weeks. Continuing to have sex when accumulation of serous fluid is starting inflate your penis like a balloon is NOT going to make it better, only worse. Consult Dr Djinovic immediately when a complication develops. He is not going to judge you.

Getting it drained by a local doctor is also NOT going to make it better.
You'll pay and pay and drain and drain and fluid build-up will continue.
Sometimes Dr Djinovic has advised patients with seroma to wrap their penis lightly in elastic bandaging to make fluid collection impossible but when the bandage is removed, fluid collection usually resumes.
It would seem that only a patient's own body and metabolism can solve this complication and giving nature some cooperation by good diet and not aggravating the problem with sex and masturbation ends the swelling the fastest.
The healing will take as long as it takes and will begin when the person takes a break from the inadvisable activity.
Sometimes anti-inflammation drugs or antibiotics are advisable so send Dr Djinovic photos and get his expert help.
No need to self-medicate on antibiotics before coming to Belgrade. Intravenous antibiotics are always given before surgery to appropriately saturate the patient's entire body with the maximum beneficial amount of drugs and it only takes a few minutes.
Erections soon after surgery are a very good thing — even if they hurt. Erections enable tissue modeling and healing of scar tissue in maximum length and size which is the same purpose as the post-operative physiotherapy and devices prescribed by the surgeon for all his patients.
Weights were only recommended in the early years. Later, patients were advised to use a vacuum device or a stretching device. Use of the specially-designed penis pump vacuum and stretching devices needed to be exactly as instructed by Dr Djinovic.
Misusing or abusing the devices will NOT give you increased gains in either girth or length and can cause severe penile injury. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Listen to Patient “M's advice”.
The vacuum constriction and stretching devices are not “penis developers”. Misuse of these devices can really screw you up permanently. Proper use will enable you to fully restore penis length, get maximum girth gains in the shortest advisable time and achieve a really impressive and good-looking result. THEY DO NOT MAKE YOUR PENIS LONGER!
They PREVENT loss of length. They do NOT increase length.

The stretching device is not for penile curvature correction. It is not for penis lengthening.
The penis pumping vacuum device is NOT for treatment or management of erectile dysfunction (ED) and is NOT to be used with a “tension ring” or “genital ring” during the healing period after surgery.
Penis Enlarger Surgery 49 Key Facts!
- Age of Male Enhancement by Tissue Engineering: 16 years as of 2015
- Times Performed by Sava Perovic Foundation Surgical Team: 300+
- Times This Penis Enlarger Surgery Can be Performed: 3 maximum
- Time Between Each Penis Enlargement Surgery: 1 year
- Impact on Erectile Function and Penile Sensitivity: NONE, very low risk of temporary numbness
- Impact of This Male Enhancement on Penile Vein Prominence: NONE
- Impact of Penis Enlargement on Orgasms, Ability to Penetrate: NONE
- Penis Enlarger Scaffolds: polylacti-co-glycolic acid (PLGA)
- Manufacturer of PLGA for Penis Enlarging: Alkermes Inc., USA
- Bigger Penis Scaffold Manufacturer: Regen Biotech Inc., Sungnam, Korea
- Thickness of PLGA Scaffold for Penis Enhancement: 3 mm or 4 mm
- Penis Enlarger Scaffold Cost: Euros 1000 (included in surgical package)
- Introduction of 4mm Scaffolds for Penis Enlargement Surgery: 2008
- PLGA Scaffold Absorption & Softening: starts 1-2 months post-op
- Time for Scaffold Conversion into New Tissue: 6-16 weeks (4 months)
- Average Size of Penis Enlargement Flaccid: 1.9 to 4.1 cm (girth)
- Normal Range of Erect Penis Enlargement: 1.8 to 3 cm (girth)
- Minimum Reported Penis Bigger: 0.4 cm (girth)
- Maximum Penis Size Increase: 4.5 cm (girth)
- Men getting permanent erect girth gain less than 1.8 cm: about 30%
- Men getting permanent erect girth gain less than 1 cm: about 15%
- Men getting permanent erect girth gain over 3 cm: about 5%
- Men getting no permanent girth gain: none yet
- Day One: arrive in Belgrade, have consultation & pre-op exam with Dr Djinovic, give blood, check into medical facility, sign Informed Consent Form, stay night
- Amount of Blood Used to Seed Male Enhancement Scaffolds: 100 ml
- Day Two: penis enlargement surgery, stay night at medical facility
- Time in Penis Enlarger Surgery: 40–95 minutes
- Stitches Used to Sew Up Bigger Penis: thin, resorbable sutures
- Stitch Disintegration after Penis Surgery: 2-4 weeks post-op
- Day Three: post-op exam, nursing, hospital check-out, hotel check-in
- Nights in Hospital to Make Penis Bigger: 2
- Day Four: final physical exam & checkup, depart for home (optional)
- Days in Belgrade for Penis Enlarger Surgery: 4 minimum, more optional
- Return to Work: 3-4 days after returning home
- Swimming: 2-3 weeks after penis enlarging surgery
- Start Vacuum Device Use: 4 weeks after enlargement of penis
- Frequency of Vacuum Device Use: twice daily for 10-15 minutes
- Period of Vacuum Device Use: 3-6 months (until healing is complete)
- Resume Contact Sports: 6-8 weeks after enlarging the penis
- Resume Sex: 8 weeks after enlargement of penis (*see GUARANTEE!)
- Full Healing: 3 months minimum, 6 months probable
- Full Restoration of Original Penis Length: 1-2 months minimum, 6 months possible
- Most Frequent Complication After This Penis Enhancement: seroma
- Frequency of Seromas After This Male Enhancement Surgery: about 10%
- Primary Cause of Seromas: masturbation and sex too soon (friction)
- Incidence of Infections After Making Your Penis Bigger: less than 4%
- Surgical Fee to Repeat Procedure if Unsatisfactory "Lesser" Gains: NONE
- Costs to Repeat Procedure if Unsatisfactory "Lesser" Gains: scaffolds & clinic
- Patients Getting Penis Elongation at Same Time: about 18%.