FtM SRS Gender Sexual Reassignment:
Bottom surgery
Surgical fees are paid in Euros cash directly to Dr Djinovic only when you actually go to Belgrade and only for the surgery you are getting during that visit.

Total Phalloplasty provides the most “normal” man-made penis possible, similar to a natal male in function, appearance, good quality of life and relationship with a woman.
It's a three-stage procedure.
Stages can never be combined into a single surgical session.
Psych evaluation approving surgery is mandatory.
Stage Two urethroplasty gives your penis fire hose point-and-shoot capability which is much more than merely the ability to urinate standing.
Stage Three penile prosthesis implantation enables unlimited, penetrative sex-on-demand — as often as you want and as long as you want — with preservation of pre-operative erotic sensation and ability to have orgasms, plus tactile sensation steadily progressing up the penis to the glans during the months and years after surgery.

Our “Package F” is a comprehensive solution in a single surgical session that requires only a few weeks in Serbia:
- vaginectomy;
- trans-vaginal hysterectomy;
- oophorectomy;
- urethral advancement; and
- Total Phalloplasty Stage One
A patient can walk unaided after 2-3 days and can drive and work after two weeks.
Surgery is not fast food.

Dr Djinovic prefers patients stay at least two weeks in Belgrade after Stage One surgery, excluding the arrival and departure dates.
Dr Djinovic recommends patients stay longer than two weeks if at all possible — and book a return flight with a flexible departure date.
Some patients are medically required to stay more than two weeks.
Stages 2 & 3 and the various components of Stage One packages are optional but advisable.
The exact cost of surgery depends on whether any SRS had been done previously.

If you have had any female organ removal done before coming to Belgrade, it will decrease your total cost but only slightly because the cost of of those procedures are tremendously discounted when done at the same time as Total Phalloplasty.
An additional advantage is Dr Djinovic performs the most sophisticated and beneficial variation of those procedures using the most advanced tried-and-proven techniques.
In real terms and all factors considered, there is probably no advantage to getting any female organ removal in advance. There are more likely to be disadvantages.
Getting all SRS from Dr Djinovic at the same time reduces:
- total surgical time;
- total recovery time;
- number of times under anesthesia;
- amount of time under anesthesia;
- total risk;
- total cost, particularly transport costs; and
- total transition time — 10-11 hours instead of months or years.
Medical evaluations & personal answers from Dr Djinovic take 1-19 weeks — each time.
In 2010 & 2011, the number of Perovic Total Phalloplasty procedures done per year were reduced to make room in the schedule for patients needing other types of surgery.
(Only about 5% of our surgical procedures are related to MtF or FtM transsexuals and transgender sex change.)
But tremendous advances in the procedure in 2012 enabled Dr Djinovic to perform all female organ removal and Total Phalloplasty Stage One in a single surgical session. Patients bounce back so swiftly they can go home after only two days in Belgrade total.

Dr Rados has achieved his 2010-2011 goals of sharing our time more equally among patients with all types of urogenital problems and helping an ever increasing number of patients.
Some months, Dr Djinovic and team to do as many as 45 surgeries. That number is more meaningful when you consider that some procedures take 10-11 hours.
The surgeons now perform Package A, B, C, D, E or F as many as 2-3 times per week.
The recent advancements have also enabled Dr Djinovic to maintain his relatively low surgical fees for these types of procedures, with no increase in the past five years — despite continually increasing costs for the surgeon.
FtM SRS + Total Phalloplasty surgeries tend to be booked months in advance, sometimes up 18 months in advance. Plan ahead.
Establish that you are a suitable candidate and book your appointment well in advance to get the date you most prefer.
Stop taking hormones at least two weeks before surgery to reduce risk of deep vein blood clots.
Surgical results are are better than ever and require less time than ever. The crowning achievement of Sava Perovic was Dr Rados P Djinovic.
Success rates still approach 100% for all types of procedures, complications remain few and tend to be minor as well as self-correcting.
Results are permanent and the best value for money in the field of urogenital reconstruction.
The musculocutaneous latissimus dorsi (MLD) donor sites (BOTH SIDES) should be professionally massaged for AT LEAST 1-2 months or more before surgery.
You can study the MLD massage training video here.
Good donor site preparation usually takes at least one month but Dr Djinovic recently said: “2-3 weeks of professional massage, 2x per day is usually a sufficient period.” (Note: professional and twice/day.)
Quality and frequency of the preparation of the donor sites determines how soon you can be properly prepared. Good donor sites (both sides) preparation is one of the primary keys to achieving an excellent surgical result.

Priority is given to patients who have done all they can do to prepare for the surgery they want and have read everything relevant that we have published about it.
We have about 15 articles on FtM sub-topics which proactively answer all questions ever asked by patients about these surgical procedures. There are 12 articles that cover all other aspects of a trip to Europe for surgery.
They help you do your due diligence and enable you to confidently sign an “informed consent” form.
After studying the provided information, your only remaining questions are likely to be:
- Am I a suitable candidate?
- When can I get surgery?
- How much will it cost?
We are happy to provide answers to any questions not already answered in our articles but we have received very few new questions in recent years. The answers you seek are very likely to found in our articles. Please read all the information we have already provided before asking any questions.
All photos available for publication are on this page or contained in the related articles.
When more become available, they will be published. No need to ask us to send you more by email attachment.
next: Overview