Best Doctors & Surgeons in Belgrade Serbia
Moving the Boundaries of Medicine and Surgery: Part 6, Top Plastic Surgeon
Dr Rados Djinovic:
00:43 We don’t [consider] you as a foreigner any more.
00:45 Just like ‘Kimmi’ (Professor Dr Kim Jin Hong, Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Institute), our great friend.
00:48 ‘Kimmi’ is actually a member of the family.
00:51 He has been here many, many times.
00:54 He lived in Professor Perovic’s house for about one year, something like this.
The Sava Perovic Family
01:00 He learned a lot from our Professor and he is one of our, let’s say, Perovic Family throughout the world.
01:09 So, ‘Kimmi’ thank you again for coming here.
01:13 I wanted to ask you, because we are very familiar, we have known each other [a very] long a time, what are your basic impressions about Sava? About everything? How did you find Sava? Why did you come to Serbia from Seoul?
01:35 I know that Serbia is not [very] popular [among] these countries.
01:39 You just told me that for touristic reasons, we are somewhere at the end [of the list].
01:46 We are not very good [at] marketing and things like this.
01:49 Why did you come here? And now, after so many years, do you think it somehow influenced your life? And has it been worth coming here to Serbia — or not?
Professor Dr Kim Jin Hong:
02:04 Thank you Professor Rados Djinovic. … [clarifying question] Coming here is like destiny. Who knows?
02:28 Some guy [Dr Kim] in the small town [Seoul] became a medical doctor and tried to find his real teacher or real mentor for life.
Dr Rados Djinovic:
02:38 … a mentor for life … mentor for surgery…
Professor Dr Kim Jin Hong:
… mentor for life …
02:42 I [looked] on the Internet and [found] the articles. And contacted. And he allowed [me to come].
02:52 We needed just few minutes to become real friends and a real son of learning.
Sava Perovic was Great, Rados Djinovic the Same
03:01 He [Sava Perovic] was great.
03:03 And my brother, Professor Rados Djinovic, is also the same — exactly the same personality.
03:12 Actually, when my ‘family’ from Serbia comes to Seoul, I feel some competitive spirit to make them feel comfortable and feel like family.
Dr Rados Djinovic:
03:38 In which way has coming here changed your professional life?
Professor Dr Kim Jin Hong:
03:44 You know, the everyday life of a surgeon who seeks job is boring, boring, a really boring life.
03:57 But suddenly one day, I heard some voice deep in my heart: ‘you should change it’.
Sava Perovic: Mentor for Life
04:08 So I tried to find a real mentor for life. And it was Professor Perovic.
04:16 I [had] contacted several influential urogenital surgeons, professors, but they didn’t reply.
04:28 Only Professor Sava Perovic invited me and accepted me and made me quite different — before and after.
04:47 I remember his voice before my first departure from Belgrade for my stay in 2003: ‘Kimmi, I am very happy to have you’.
Dr Rados Djinovic:
05:08 He actually treated people like his family members, like his closest, not just like colleagues.
05:18 It was not ‘colleagues’. It was just like greatest friends after five minutes.
05:23 It was an amazing gift that Professor Perovic had.
Professor Dr Kim Jin Hong:
Watch Part 6 of 6 …Also, you are quite similar. Or exactly the same.