Sava Perovic — In Memoriam
Farewell: Professor Perovic
Urologists, urological surgeons and doctors worldwide have known for decades that Sava Perovic had remarkable gifts.
Only in the last few years of his life did he begin to receive well-deserved global recognition by persons outside the medical community.
Fortunately for persons worldwide with serious urogenital problems he could solve in an excellent way, before he passed away in Belgrade on 4 April 2010 at the age of only 63, he had established the Sava Perovic Foundation and passed on his famous bag of “Tips & Tricks” to reconstructive surgeon Dr Rados Djinovic.

Trying to make a suitable tribute to Our Great Professor was challenging. It's difficult to do Dr Perovic justice. But friends, colleagues & patients around the world have expressed themselves well so we've published some of their comments here. Additional comments are welcome.

Their condolences help capture in words the blessing we all received as a result of Sava's life and work.
“The beauty of Perovic’s work was that he understood the complexity of diseased male genitalia and worked with his patients compassionately to find the best solution — one that balanced the patient’s expectations and the objective outcome.” — Guido Barbagli, Salvatore Sansalone, Massimo Lazzeri of the Center for Reconstructive Urethral Surgery, Arezzo, Italy. [more from their obituary in European Urology 58 (2010) pp. 324–325]
Jolanta Perovic, wife of Professor Perovic, passed away on 9 February 2021 after a short disease at her hometown of Szczecin Poland. She will stay forever in our hearts.
Subject: Passing of Professor Sava PerovicDear Colleagues and Friends:
It is with a heavy heart that we received the news of Sava's passing.
He and I had been friends for over 20 years and I greatly respected his surgical genius and contributions to medical science.
He was well respected here at Johns Hopkins as a colleague and friend.
We will keep his family and direct colleagues in our prayers at this very sad time for all of us who were his friends.
Most respectfully,
John P Gearhart MD FACS FAAP FRCS (Hon)
Professor and Chief of Pediatric Urology
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
izuzetno nam je žao zbog smrti prof. Perovića, velikog učitelja i čovjeka. Primite našu iskrenu sućut.
liječnici Klinike za urologiju Osijek
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
This is a sad day for me.
Subject: Dr. Perovic
Please convey my sincere condolences.
The world has lost a brilliant surgeon and a kind and warm man.
I count myself very fortunate to have met him and benefited from his work.
Warmest regards,
Kes Quin
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
I'm really sorry to hear about Sava. It's a real tragedy.
He was such a great man, professional, innovator, teacher and friend.
I do hope that you and other Sava's team mates will continue his work to commemorate his life and spectacular achievements.
With my deepest sympathy,
Professor Dariusz Zarzecki
University of Szczecin
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Investment and Business Valuation
Szczecin, Poland
Subject: RES: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Friends,
I’m very sad with the death notice about Prof. Dr. Sava.
He was a great man, friend, humble, and I would say that he was the best Urologist in the world in the penile reconstruction field.
His passing is a huge loss, even from the point of view medical, scientific and personal.
It is going to be very sad do not have him around us with his joyful spirit all time.
My sadness for this loss,
My feelings to his family,
Best Regards,
Paulo Egydio
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Dr. Rados Djinovic,
We were deeply shocked and saddened to hear the news of Dr. Sava Perovic sudden death. The sad news of Dr. Sava Perovic's death is something that, on behalf of the REGENBiotech, Inc., I tender our deepest sympathy to you and his family.
Dr. Sava Perovic's death is a great loss to our company.
We, who had the privilege of knowing and working with him for many years, will remember Dr. Sava Perovic as a very kind and great person who enjoyed everyone's respect.
We have lost a valued colleague and his friendly presence will be greatly missed.
Please accept our sincere condolences. If there is any way that we can help, please let me know.
With kindest regards,
Hye-Kyung Jung
Assistant Manager
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear colleague,
It is with a sincere emotion that I read this very sad new.
Dr Sava Perovic was a great professional in many aspects and also a nice man.
Please transmit my deep and sincere sympathy to his family.
Henri Lottmann, M.D.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
I'm really sorry to hear about Sava. It's a real tragedy.
He was such a great man, professional, innovator, teacher and friend.
I do hope that you and others of Sava's team mates will continue his work to commemorate his life and spectacular achievements.
With my deepest sympathy,
Professor Dariusz Zarzecki
University of Szczecin
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Investment and Business Valuation
Szczecin, Poland
Subject: Prof. Perovic
Dear Rados,
I was really shocked hearing about the passing away of Professor Sava Perovic. I had the opportunity of meeting him in Belgrade last September and in Thessaloniki during the Makedonian Symposium in November, when he honored us by accepting our invitation.
His contribution to genital reconstructive surgery will always be legendary and will remain a landmark for many years.
I am also certain that his work will further evolve through his close and most competent collaborates like you.
Please give, from my wife and me, our warmest condolences to his family, his colleagues and you personally.
With personal regards,
Dr. Georgios P. Dimitriadis
Assistant Professor in Urology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Dragi Dr. Rados,
ne znam koliko sam puta danas procitala mail … i svaki put se rasplakala i ne mogu vjerovati da je istina …
Mislim da vama ne moram objasnjavati sta je meni prof. Perovic znacio … imali smo 20 god "staza" on i ja … visestruke operacije … ma,sve znat e …
Ne znam sta reci,a i nemam sta … znam da je i vama grozno …
Ja cijelom timu (vama naravno special) saljem zagrljaj i pusu.
u mislima ste mi
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Postovani Radose,
Jako me je razalostila vijest o odlasku vaseg mentora i velikog hirurga Save Perovica. Nagovijestili ste da je bio tesko bolestan pa me vasa obavijest i nije toliko iznenadila ali je uvijek zalosno kada nas napuste neki dragi ljudi, narocito oni koji su sa vama saradjivali i sa kojima ste provodili dosta vremena. Ako nista, Prof Perovic je u vama i generacijama svojih sljedbenika ostavio zaostavstinu koja nikada nece izumrijeti i koja ce ga se uvijek po dobru sjecati. Molim vas da prenesete moje iskreno saucesce njegovoj porodici. S postovanjem,
Djenita Pasic, Esq.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
We are very sorry for this loss ! We will come Wednesday for the funeral.
Valentin and Ateia
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Colleague,
Thanks for posting this bad news.
Sava Perovic will stay in books, records and hearts.
May he rest in peace and God bless him.
Radu Constantiniu
Bucharest, Romania
Subject: Condolences
My family and I send our condolences regarding Pr. Perovic's death.
He was the pioneer personality in the sector of Urology and he made a lot of young people happy, like me.
This man should have been immortal.
Rest in peace.
Is for me one of the saddest days that I remember.
We lost one of the greatest masters who ever lived. I'll never forget.
Rados, sorry, are close to you in pain!
Your friend,
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
I am very sorry to hear his lost. He will be keenly missed.
Ateş Kadıoğlu
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados:
I am so sorry to hear the loss of professor Perovic.
Our prayers are with his family and loved ones.
He will live on in our hearts and the hearts of many friends and patients.
Best Regards,
Tom F. Lue, MD, ScD (Hon), FACS
Professor and Vice Chair
Emil Tanagho Endowed Chair in Clinical Urology
Department of Urology
University of California, San Francisco
Subject: Sava's Passing
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Sava Perovic.
He was a great inspiration to me and a fearless surgeon who "led the charge" against many surgical challenges.
His experience with Peyronie's disease and Transgender Surgery were particularly inspirational.
I will miss him. My regards to his family.
Dave Gilbert, MD
Norfolk, Virginia
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Please accept my deepest feelings of grief.
Sava has been one of the pioneers of pediatric urology in Europe. We will miss him dearly.
Our thoughts are with his relatives.
Rien Nijman
President ESPU
Prof Dr Rien JM Nijman
Department of Urology
University Medical Centre Groningen
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Povodom smrti velikog doajena i velikana evropske i svetske djecje urologije primite moje veliko saucesce.
Prof. Assoc. Nexhmi Hyseni
Professor of Pediatric Surgery University of Prishtina
Director - Department of Pediatric Surgery
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Dr. Djinovic,
I am so sorry to hear about Pr. Perovic.
He definitely had an enormous influence on urology, and I am proud to have had the opportunity to know him.
This year’s EAU will not be the same without him.
Thank you for including me in this sad news, and please accept my deepest sympathies.
Jeanine Plane
Subject: Robert from Poland
I fold the words of sympathy and the sorrow with reason of the Professor's death.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear My friend
I am feeling very very sad.
He was a real master and pioneer.
For me, it was a real honor to meet him and you and I will never forget you both …
You should follow his shadow and keep doing great things in pediatric and adult reconstructive urology.
If you agree, I will include in the next ESSM Newsletter a letter from you regarding Sava. Please let me know to reserve space ASAP.
I hope see you very soon.
Your friend Juan
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
I am SO SORRY to hear this!!!
He was a great man and huge contributor to urology.
I was looking forward to seeing him this spring and having him visit us once again.
I have been preparing a long talk on the history of pediatric urology and already have a slide of him in the talk. Now sadly, I'll have to mention that he is no longer with us.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Sa velikim zaljenjem i tugom izjavljujem saucesce porodici Prof. Perovica.
Velika praznina mi je ispunila i dusu i telo.
Ostace u mom secanju kao izuzetna licnost, veliki profesionalac i humanista.
Nedostajecete nam Profesore!
Sa velikim bolom
Jelena Radomir Brankovic
Subject: deepest condolences
Dear Rados,
Let me join with you in this sadness, it is a terrible loss.
It is very hard to said goodbye to Prof Sava — a really special human being and a great master.
I send you a warm hug.
My deepest condolences for you and all the staff.
I will be in touch with you.
Your friend.
Erick Ramirez Perez. Mexico City
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear friends,
I am forwarding to you the sad message which I received from Belgrade. Unfortunately, we lost one of our most active members, Prof. Sava Perovic.
I want to recommend an activity for his remembrance during our section meeting in Barcelona, like to place his picture during our meeting. Please let me know if you have further ideas.
We will miss him.
Serdar Deger
Betreff: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
This is a big loss for all us. If you don´t mind, I would like to forward your email to the ESGURS group and inform them. I will ask the group to dedicate our section meeting in Barcelona to Sava Perovic. If you agree I would recommend that you join the group and give his lecture in Barcelona.
In deepest sorrow.
Serdar Deger
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dragi Radose,
jako sam se ozalostijo smrti naseg dragog professora ucitelja prijatelja i dusi od coveka.
Siguran sam da ce nama i mnogim urolozima ali i svima koji su radili , ucili i njega upoznali vecito biti u pamcenju.
Vasa i Christina
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
It is very shocking and sad to know that The Great Surgeon Sava Perovic passed away.
I want to come to pay respects and to wish him to rest very peacefully on 7th April. But I cannot get the visa in time.
I hope I can do it as soon as I can get the Visa for Serbia.
We, all the surgeons who were his students, will miss him all the time.
Best regards,
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
It is with great sorrow that I received the news of Sava's departure.
He was a great surgeon and a very special human being, luminous example to all of us.
Please receive my condolescence as a colleague and as a friend.
Vito Pansadoro
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
Let me express my deep sadness for the passing of our friend Sava.
He was a true teacher and mentor and a great person. We will miss him so much.
We should organize something in Barcelona during the EAU-ESGURS meeting and get together to decide what to do to establish for the future a prize, memorial or something you may think. He deserves our gratitude forever.
Best regards,
Ignacio Moncada
Subject: the Great Professor
Dearest Rados,
This is a great loss for the world.
I'm sorry it's such a tremendous loss for you personally.
Sava changed the world.
He has and will continue to give hope to so many who were hopeless.
Your years of tireless and selfless work to capture and preserve the Professor's “No Rules” and “Continually Improve” principals means his vision lives on.
That's the greatest way you could have honored him in life and death.
You have done a great thing by preserving the principals of a truly great human being and one of the greatest surgeons of our time.
Certainly it enabled our Great Professor to complete his life with a great sense of peace, satisfaction, contentment and accomplishment, knowing he had successfully passed the torch and his vision to the best disciple he ever had.
Sava AND YOU changed my life. Thank you.
Keep up the good work.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
I sympathize with you for Sava passing.
Prof. Dr. Carlo Rando - Milan - Italy
Dearest Rados,
Zoran wrote me an email regarding Sava's separation from us.
It is a really emotional difficulties for all of us.
Please give my condolences to Jolanta, and apologies also, that I cannot come his funeral.
Maybe I can visit his grave in September.
The meaning of last November's congress was farewell.
Subject: to Rados
Dearest Rados,
I am sending the letter to you and to this e-mail again.
About Sava, Dragoslav sent me an SMS and it shoked me indeed.
I knew about his problem and was waiting for bad news. But I was not ready to get this news.
All Russia knows now about this incredible loss. I have got a lot of calls from Russia and Ukraine.
And I still do not believe in my mind that already we no longer have him with us.
I pray for his soul (if it is possible).
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Dr. Djinovic,
We are sorry about your loss and we are with you in your sorrow.
Please accept our hearthfelt sympathy.
Tegea's staff
Subject: Sava Perovic
Dear friends,
You can see the attached email of the General Secretary, Prof. Abrahamsson, regarding decease of Prof. Sava Perovic.
Dr. Rados Djinovic, will give his lecture during our meeting in Barcelona. I additionally asked him to give a farewell talk at the beginning of our meeting.
I would also recommend that Dr. Djinovic, who is also a well-known expert in the field of reconstructive urology, join our group.
Wish you all a nice week.
Betreff: SV: Sava Perovic
Dear Luis, Walter and Serdar,
Yes, I do remember Prof. Sava Perovic and as you say – one of our great reconstructive surgeons of our time.
We will highlight his achievement during the 25th EAU anniversary meeting in Barcelona.
Thanks for keeping us posted!!
W Best Regards,
Per-Anders Abrahamsson
Secretary General
European Association of Urology
Ämne: Sava Perovic
This is a very good idea.
I am sure that also our GS, who is copied, will remember him officially.
Kind regards,
Dear Rados,
I am lost for words.
I can not believe the world has lost such a great man.
I am so very sorry for you and the rest of his team and his family.
I will pray for the great man.
I will also pray for you and his family.
My greatest sympathy,
Subject: Re: "Sava Perovic Foundation"Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher
Dear Dr. Djinovic,
I am terribly sorry to hear of the passing of Dr. Sava Perovic.
He was very highly thought of amongst all of us here at the University of Naples Federico II and his contribution to the field of trans-gender surgery is unprecedented.
We are honored to have had the opportunity to collaborate with him on several occasions and will continue to carry on in his memory, incorporating his novel surgical techniques and enormous overall contribution to the field of urology.
My sincere condolences,
Vincenzo Mirone
Dear friend Rados Djinovic,
Despite that we had realized Professor's Perovic chronic health problem, the announcement of his passing away was a very strong and bad shock for us.
I would like to send the deep sympathy and the condolences of all the members of our Clinic and that of my wife as well.
His very strong personallity and his contribution to the reconstructive Urological surgery was well- known to all Urologists all over the world.
I am certainly sure that your excellent work and the experience you have received working with him, will give you the opportunity to overcome the problems caused by his absence.
I will not be able to attend his funeral ceremony, but my thoughts are with you.
Yours sincerely,
Demetrios Radopoulos
Professor of Urology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dear relatives of Sava Perovic. Dear friends and colleagues.
With deep sorrow I express sincere condolences concerning the untimely heavy losses.
The world has lost a wonderful man who loved life, people and work.
We always will miss his support, vision and participation.
I had the great honor and pleasure to be familiar with such a perfect Great Surgeon, a wonderful teacher and good friend.
May God keep Sava's soul.
Eternal memory to YOU, Sava.
Alexander Lyubchak
Ukraine, Odessa
Дорогие родственники Савы Перовича. Дорогие друзья и коллеги.
С глубоким прискорбием выражаю искреннее соболезнование по поводу безвременной тяжелой потери.
Мир потерял прекрасного Человека, любившего жизнь, людей, и работу.
Нам всегда будет не хватать его поддержки, взгляда и участия.
Я имел большую честь и счастье быть знакомым с таким совершенным Великим Хирургом, прекрасным учителем и хорошим товарищем.
Память о нем навсегда останется в наших сердцах.
Пусть Бог хранит его душу.
Вечная память ТЕБЕ, Сава.
Александр Любчак
Украина, Одесса
Iskrene sućuti svima. Baš smo pod šokom.
Koja šteta i gubitak.
Nesamo da je bio veliki doktor nego i čovijek.
Jako nam je žao.
Neka ga Bog primi u svoje kraljevstvo.
Obitelj Krakan
Subject: Beileid
Sehr geehrte Frau Perovic,
Sehr geehrte Familie Perovic,
im meinen Namen und der Kollegen meiner Klinik
möchte ich Ihnen mein herzliches Beileid aussprechen.
Sava war mir ein guter Freund und Kollege.
Ich bedauere den Verlust eines außergewöhnlichen Kollegen und Wissenschaftlers sehr.
Sein Beitrag in der rekonstruktiven Genitalchirurgie ist und bleibt unersetzbar.
Er war ein großer Lehrer und ein guter Mensch.
Er soll die letzte Ruhe finden!
Dietger Jonas
Subject: Saucesce
Draga Jola, Draga Jovana I Ivana,
Primate iskreno saucesce u Suzanino, moje kao i ime nase familije.
Svi smo potreseni vescu o smrti naseg “Savice”.
To je veliki gubitak za nas prijatelje, kolege kao i za celu urologiju uopste.
U svojoj strasti za naukom zanemario je i sopstveno zdravlje.
Otisao je veliki ucitelj vise generacija i ostavio veliko delo iza sebe.
Neka pociva u miru.
Ika sa familijom I. Cerovac
Subject: Barnaul, Russia
Dear Rados,
We are deeply grieved at the news of our teacher's and friend's death - Professor Sava Perovic.
He was close to everyone with no exceptions.
A great man and a great scientist.
We mourn with you.
Boris Neimark
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
The disappearance of Sava struck us deeply.
We remember him not only professionally, but especially for his humanity.
He was a true friend to all of us.
We believe that will leave a great voice in the world of andrological surgery.
I hope to continue cooperation with you that always existed between my university an yours.
It will be a bit like paying tribute to the great man who left us.
A hug,
Giuseppe Vespasiani
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Dr. Rados Djinovic,
We extend our deepest sympathies.
We lost the very very good friend of my dept. and the Hungarian Urologists.
Z Bogom ostejte miru!
Prof. Imre Romics M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
Head of the Department of Urology
ESU board member
Semmelweis University,
H-1082 Budapest
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Dr Rados Djinovic,
First of all we would like to extend our deepest condolences with this great loss.
The EAU would be happy to publish an obituary for Prof Sava Perovic in the EAU newsletter, European Urology Today, April/May issue (mailed out in June due to the Annual Congress).
Thanks very much in advance.
Kind regards,
Hanneke Lurvink
EUT Coordinator
European Association of Urology
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear bereaved Colleagues,
I have only just received this very sad news.
Sava was a great personality of reconstructive paediatric urology and will be badly missed by colleagues from all around the World.
He was a brave surgeon - innovating and creating new and exciting procedures for us all to follow, whilst changing the lives of countless patients.
He was a very generous and articulate teacher and a great host to those of us lucky enough to visit him on home territory in Belgrade.
What I will remember most about Sava is his huge enthusiasm and seemingly boundless energy that infected those around him and pushed everyone out of complacency.
He challenged us to do better and always strive for excellence.
I valued my time spent with him and his friendship immensely.
Peter Cuckow
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Dear Dr. Dijnovic,
We are deeply shocked by the sad news.
Prof. Perovic was, indeed, an outstanding man and surgeon.
He was a brilliant surgeon.
He was very well known in Hungary, and of course, in Pécs, too.
We are going to miss him very much. Please accept our deep sympathy.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew B. Pinter
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
I know of this bad news with my deep sorrow!
I known of His illness but, with most of us, we hoped in is strength.
I hope to have more opportunity with his enormous school, and to have you here.
Subject: RE: Sava Perovic
Dear Serdar,
You are right.
We all lost one of the most distinguished experts in reconstructive urology.
I would suggest to fix his picture in power point presentation of all the speakers.
Would you please to send all a picture of him, to be the same with all.
Hassan Abol-Enein
Subject: RE: ESPU, Antalya Congress - Your presentation (deadline)
Thanks for the message.
Sava was a legend in European Pediatric Urology we will all miss him greatly.
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
I am terribly sorry for the news.
My sympathy to Sava family and friends.
J.L.Pippi Salle, MD, PhD, FAAP, FRCSC
Head, Division of Urology
Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto
Subject: Hi Jolanta from Harold
April 6, 2010
Good afternoon Jolanta,
Accept my deepest condolences for your loss.
The entire urological community, worldwide is aware and mourns the passing of a epic figure with Herculean energy.
I was fortunate enough to attend his last conference in September and received and was blessed by his customary kisses on both cheeks.
There will never be another Sava.
I believe there are saints that walk amongst us and he is a Saint.
Your letter to me and painting with original yellow ribbon still hangs on my office wall.
I truly treasure having been a guest in your home and knowing you and your lovely family.
If your travel plans include the greater Miami area or western North Carolina, please call.
Sava graced my office with his visits on three occasions.
With every best wish and concern during these unpleasant times,
chin up,
Subject: “Sava Perovic Foundation Announcement: Passing of our Great Teacher”
Dear Rados,
We were grieved to hear of the sudden death of Professor Sava Perovic.
It is an irretrievable loss in the world of andrology.
Professor was a great friend of many people and real teacher for Ukrainian doctors.
He was a man of great energy and person who liked life so much.
Please convey our heartfelt sympathy to his wife Jolanta and his daughters.
I so regret I can`t come due to visa problems.
Prof. Mykola Boiko
President of the Ukrainian Association of Andrology and Sexual Medicine
Caro Rados,
con grandissimo dispiacere ho avuto la notizia della scomparsa del Maestro SAVA, per tutti quelli che lo hanno conosciuto è stato un grande chirurgo, un amico , un vero maestro.
Ti prego di accettare il mio abbraccio e di porgwere alla famiglia le mie condoglianze.
Bruno Frea
Subject: condolences
Dear Dr. Rados Djinovic,
I was shocked to learn of Dr. Sava's passing and would like to express my very deepest condolences.
It is a great loss for the medical community and he will be missed by us all.
Sincerely yours,
Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery
Chief, Department of Plastic Surgery
Peking University Shenzhen Hospital
Hello Mr. RothHaas,
It has been few days that I have been trying to accept the fact that Prof. Dr Perovic has died.
The World is at loss for such a rare and exceptional expert has left.
I am very sorry.
Vesna Bozovic
Dear Sava Perovic Team:
My deepest sympathies for the loss of Dr. Sava Perovic.
He operated on me in the mid 80s in Belgrade hospital when I was a child.
Humanity has lost a great human being and doctor.
Again, my sincere sympathies and may his work continue.
May angels be with him.
Vladan Milosevic
Subject: Passing of Professor Sava Perovic
Dear Mrs Perovic and family:
All of us at Johns Hopkins are truly saddened by your loss of our dear friend and colleague Sava.
His intellect and surgical skills brightened the lives of many unfortunate children born with major birth defects.
These children, who are many, are now adults living happy, useful lives because of Sava's skill and caring.
A donation has been made to the Robert Garrett Fund for the Surgical Care of Children at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the name of Professor Sava Perovic.
This fund helps provide care for less fortunate children born with major birth defects who come here for care, helping with food, accommodation and daily living expenses.
I know Sava with his generous spirit and kind heart would like this.
I hope in some way over time this will lessen your grief and honor his memory.
With great respect to you and your family,
John P. Gearhart MD FACS FAAP FRCS
Professor and Chief of Pediatric Urology
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Subject: Messaggio dal Prof. Vincenzo Gentile
Cara Signora Perovic,
in qualità di Presidente della Società Italiana di Andrologia, vorrei esprimerle il mio dolore personale e quello di tutti i soci per la scomparsa del caro Sava, grande Maestro di chirurgia e persona ricca di grande umanità.
Ci tengo, inoltre ad informarla che il Comitato Esecutivo della SIA ha deciso di onorare la memoria di Sava assegnando un premio, a lui dedicato, da destinarsi all'autore del miglior video di chirurgia andrologica, durante il Congresso Nazionale SIA, che si terrà a Roma dal 25 al 27 novembre 2010.
Sarei, pertanto, molto lieto di averla come ospite in occasione dell’assegnazione del Premio.
Un caro saluto
Vincenzo Gentile
Cara Signora Perovic,
As President of the Italian Society of Andrology, I would like to express my personal grief and that of all the members for the death of dear Sava, great teacher of surgery and rich person of great humanity.
I wish also to inform you that the Executive Committee of the SIA has decided to honor the memory of Sava with an award, dedicated to him, reassignment as the author of the best video of andrological surgery, during the National Congress of the SIA, to be held in Rome 25 to 27 November 2010.
I would therefore very pleased to have her as a guest on the occasion of the Award.
Best regards
Vincenzo Gentile
Subject: RE: Vivaldi: Agitata da due venti from La Griselda
Dear Dr Djinovic,
I am shocked from the sad news.
I was very fond of Prof. Perovic and he will be missed by many … My prayers to his family.
Dr. Djinovic, I am sure that the Professor was counting on you to continue to do miracles.
You are all good people.
Please pass on my sincere condolences to Prof. Perovic's wife and his children.
My best regards to you and your team.
Truly yours,
Israel Angel
To: Dr Rados Djinovic, "Sava Perovic Foundation"
Dear Rados,
I will keep you updated. You have made me a very happy person and then something terrible happens. The English are very hard people but as I have Italian blood, I am very emotional, and yes I cry.
I had a very good reason to burst out crying when the (British) nurse asked me about my experience with the doctors in Belgrade (the way she looked at me … but I didn't care).
I'm crying now. I can not help myself when I think of him.
He brought a lot of happiness to people as you are also doing.
God keep you and your family safe.
God bless,
Subject: Moscow
Dear Rados,
I have learnt about Sava … have been crying for three days already.
Cannot express my GRIEF.
Cannot imagine how you feel.
Sava is a saint for me and Snejana.
I will always remember him in my prayers and every time I go to church.
He is a GREAT MAN.
I am happy that God gave me an opportunity to meet him.
God bless you all, continue his work.
I will find you next time I am in Belgrade.
Please tell me the cemetery Sava was buried at. I want to go there.
God … I didn't realize it could be so hard …
Subject: Pitajte doktora-Akademik Prof. dr Sava Perović
Primite moje duboko saučešće povodom smrti Prof. Dr Save Perovića.
Srbija je izgubila velikog stručnjaka iz oblasti urologije.
On je lečio mene u Tiršovoj 1987 i 2003 i u vašu ustanovu 2005 godine tako da sam to osetio i na vlastitoj koži, i na tome sam mu iskreno i veoma zahvalan.
Zahvaljujući njemu sam se oženio i u veoma srećnom sam braku. Zadnji put sam ga video u septembru 2009, godine.
Još jednom moje najiskrenije saučešće.
Subject: Pitajte doktora-Akademik Prof. dr Sava Perović
Postavljeno je sledeće pitanje:
Porodici Perovic i svim njegovim saradnicima najiskrenije saucesce zbog velikog gubitka salje zahvalna porodica Kunaica iz Sapca.....
Subject: Doctor Djinovic from Szabo Zsolt
Dear Doctor,
We read your message about the death of Professor Perovic with great sorrow.
We loved him very much.
It is unbelievable that we can speak about him only in past tense now.
He was an excellent man who provided even the continuation of his work because he passed just to you his knowledge and experiences.
He surely knew that you are the most suitable man for continuation of improvement in this branch of medicine.
We would like to wish you in this troubled time a lot of patience, strength and at most health so that you could give back the hope for life to many patients in the same way as you with Professor gave the hope to us.
Let the earth be light for him.
Nek mu je laka crna zemlja.
Family Szabó