Psychiatric Evaluation for Gender Reassignment Surgery:
Mandatory Requirement for MtF & FtM SRS
Gender reassignment surgery (SRS) by Dr Djinovic is dependent on the referral of mental health professionals to the surgeon.
The surgeon only executes what has been approved as appropriate by mental health professionals who have diagnosed and documented your case.
You, in cooperation with mental health professionals, determine if you have Gender Identity Disorder (GID) which needs to be surgically corrected.

The Sava Perovic Foundation adheres to the Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
The part about the letters of psychiatric approval is Chapter Seven, Section Five regarding “referral from a qualified mental health professional” which is a mandatory requirement for all patients from developed nations who want surgery from Dr Rados Djinovic.
The goal and point and purpose of the Standards is to make certain whether surgery is the right thing for you. They are not an obstacle. They are for your protection.
If you are at the beginning of your transition, our adherence to the Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders means you need to locate at least two local doctors who can advise you.
For hormonal treatment, it would need to be an endocrinologist experienced with gender reassignment.
Psych evaluation approving surgery is mandatory.
For the psychiatric approval, it would need to be a psychiatrist experienced with gender disorders and another highly qualified mental health professional, not necessarily a psychiatrist, to confirm the psychiatrist's diagnosis
These professionals help guide you as well as prepare mentally and emotionally for SRS, including vaginoplasty, male or female organ removal, and microsurgical free flap phalloplasty surgery or metoidioplasty.
Do NOT send photos, psychiatric evaluations or other large files as email attachments.
When the mental health professionals have documented your pre-operative transition from female to male or male to female and approve the next step of surgery, you can THEN make your appointment to get surgery from the Sava Perovic Surgical Team
Then send us true digital copies (scans or good quality digital photos) of the signed letter(s) on the official letterhead stationary of the doctors or mental health professional(s) showing you are prepared and the surgery is right for you.
Letters need to have the full contact information of the doctors and be verifiable.
Sending true copies of psychiatric evaluations enables you to get Dr Djinovic's opinion about the suitability of the letters and whether they get you a green light to get surgery from him.
Legal gender status, official documents, and letters from other surgeons or doctors cannot replace psychiatric evaluation approving surgery.
Hand deliver the original versions of the psych evaluations to Dr Djinovic when you come to Belgrade for phalloplasty surgery.
Hand deliver originals to Dr Djinovic.
Electronic text documents cannot replace hard-copy original letters.
PDF files, email messages or Microsoft Word documents carry no weight.
ONLY true copies of comprehensive, persuasive, convincing, original, ink-and-paper, hard-copy signed letters on the professional's official stationary with full contact information will enable you to qualify as a suitable candidate for surgery. No exceptions ever.
Authentic, genuine letters approving surgery that were issued before you chose Dr Djinovic to perform your surgery are often acceptable, even if addressed to another doctor.
The CONTENT and persuasiveness and obvious professionalism of the evaluation approving surgery is the key issue. Again, the important point is to ensure surgery is the right thing for you.
Do not mail, fax or send psych evaluations by courier.
Do not give them to us until you come to Belgrade for actual surgery.
Hand deliver the originals to Dr Djinovic for his records when you meet him in Belgrade for your pre-operative consultation and physical exam the day before surgery.